Getting an education Learning a new skill Having children Exercising regularly Choosing the healthy option Not drinking alcohol every night of the week Writing a blog/book/weekly newsletter Starting and growing…
Read the latest news and thoughts from Andrew.
There are certain times in life when money can be in short supply and the proverbial belt needs tightening. Usually, this is the case as a student and early on…
I was wondering the other day who do doctors and other medical professionals compare themselves to? What I mean by that is, in the financial planning profession (and probably many…
“It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able to…
I read some market commentary from a well known discretionary fund manager (the modern name for a stockbroker) the other day who made reference to “positioning themselves for a recession…
We can’t control: 1. Investment markets, 2. Economic forces, 3. Legislation, 4. Tax rates, 5. Anyone’s attitude or behaviour towards us, 6. What the future holds, 7. When we die….
Recently, my Twitter feed has pushed two promotions to me from a well known direct-to-consumer investment platform. Both were relating to “rumoured” IPOs from two well-known brands: Wolverhampton Wanderers and…
Whenever money is involved there will always be risks; some of them are unavoidable but others, with a bit prudence, can and should be avoided. Unavoidable But Manageable Risk Stock…
Knowledge is power. In investing terms that means uncovering a gem of information that gives the investor an advantage against his peers in predicting the future direction of company share…
When I walk past my son’s school playing field it often looks like a chaotic scene; primary school children from 4 to 11 all running around screaming and shouting excitedly….