Following a week of Coronavirus led turbulence in the global stock markets I was inspired to create my latest emoji guide. This one explains how markets react to bad news….
Category: Emoji Guides
Read the latest news and thoughts from our Financial Planner, Andrew.
Whenever money is involved there will always be risks; some of them are unavoidable but others, with a bit prudence, can and should be avoided. Unavoidable But Manageable Risk Stock…
If you have ever: set up your own business, started a diet Trained for an endurance event got married It will have involved an element of planning. You will have…
Whether they knew it or not, our mothers and grandmothers taught us one of the most important lessons of investing: not having all of your eggs in one basket. Yet,…
This latest Emoji Guide looks at active vs passive investing and comes at a time that one of the UK’s star fund managers has hit the headlines for the wrong…
Do you ever have that feeling that you should be making better financial decisions with your money but never have enough of it left at the end of the month…
Capitalism hasn’t enjoyed the greatest press in the last decade or so; the near destruction of the economic system at the height of the Credit Crunch (or Great Financial Crash…
Sometimes life can be cruel and throw us curve balls that we’re not expecting or prepared for. Another term for it is ‘sh*t happens’. The most catastrophic would likely be…
Our beliefs are formed in childhood. Sooner or later we realise that many of them are false (mermaids and unicorns aren’t real ?) but our beliefs about money are often…
Inflation is the silent assassin of the personal finance world. While stock market crashes and bank defaults grab the headlines, over the long term it is the silent creep…